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Partner at RB Discusses the Consulting World

What reasons do companies have for hiring a consulting firm? The most common reason may be financial, linked to the difficulty of solving the problem internally. When a business owner realizes that, without changes, results will worsen, they evaluate alternatives. If no employee has the availability or expertise to address the issue, hiring a consulting firm might be a good option. The motivation can also be tied to solving a specific problem. Downsizing is an example: if such work were carried out by an internal employee, decisions about who will be let go might be influenced by personal relationships with colleagues. Consulting firms are free from such conflicts of interest.

Are there other reasons to hire a consulting firm? Yes. Ideally, the first moment to hire a consultant would be even before the company starts operations, during the business planning phase. Beyond technical expertise, a consultant's evaluations lack the enthusiasm that partners typically exhibit during this phase. Neutrality is essential to identify risks and propose mitigation strategies. Through their experience, consultants can also contribute suggestions for structuring and defining the business. One of the key advantages of a consultant is the ability to diagnose issues and find appropriate solutions. Being external to the company also aids in this process.

“Since consulting is a service, each interaction with the client is a unique experience, which we see as an opportunity to deliver better work”

Have you had any interesting experiences consulting during the early stages of a business? Recently, we developed a feasibility study for a restaurant in a new mall in Rio. Our hiring was mandated by the investor-partner. In the end, the study showed how many daily sales would be needed for the business to generate satisfactory results. Concerned about foot traffic in the mall, the client decided to postpone the launch even before the investor-partner received the evaluation report. A comprehensive feasibility study goes beyond assessing viability. It can identify the expenses and revenues that most impact results and analyze strategies to reduce risks and leverage opportunities. It also plays a critical role in negotiations, such as selecting a location or purchasing land. Feasibility studies are essential for forecasting resource needs over the months. Many profitable companies fail due to a lack of cash flow planning.

Why do some companies resist hiring consulting services? It’s natural for humans to try solving their challenges independently. This tendency might be linked to our survival instincts and a certain satisfaction in overcoming problems on our own. There are also more specific reasons. Some companies hesitate to share data with third parties. I've heard a business owner say that no one would be better equipped than him to deal with his company's issues. A company’s culture and leadership profile also influence this decision. Another reason could be financial—the perception that other priorities exist. Occasionally, a bad experience with a consultant leaves a lasting impression. Ultimately, there are many reasons companies might not embrace the idea.

“The feasibility study is also important for forecasting resource needs over the months. Many profitable companies fail due to a lack of cash flow planning.”

What should be considered when choosing a consulting firm? While it may seem obvious that all consultants should have extensive technical knowledge, it’s worth verifying their experience, résumé, and client feedback. Another crucial aspect is the consultant’s trustworthiness since they’ll have access to sensitive business information. A third factor is communication compatibility. Some consultants fail to adapt to the client and remain overly rigid with their processes. Finally, though not less important, are price and payment terms.

Do consulting demands vary based on the size of the hiring company? I believe so. Large companies tend to hire bigger consulting firms as well, though exceptions exist. Medium-sized companies seek firms with the same technical expertise as renowned ones but with better pricing and less rigid processes. Small businesses usually prioritize cost when choosing consultants. Some are unaware that affordable, worthwhile consulting services are available.

Now about RB Treinamento e Consultoria, what strengths would you highlight? I’d start with integrity, a personal trait that’s become part of the company’s values. We don’t always agree with clients and aren’t afraid to make suggestions that might displease them. Our customer service is another strength. Since consulting is a service, every interaction with the client is a unique experience, which we treat as an opportunity to deliver better work. Flexibility in our methodology also contributes to excellent service. Each client is different, and every company has a unique culture and circumstances. We tailor our work proposals accordingly. Finally, our pricing is competitive. With a lean structure, RB can offer differentiated rates.

Could you talk about RB’s growth strategy? To deliver on our promises, we will grow organically, relying on clients’ word-of-mouth referrals and occasionally partnering with consultants who align with our values.

Any final words for those seeking a consulting firm? Depending on the challenge, consulting can be a viable path. Before searching for consulting firms, a company should consider which type of consulting best suits their needs. I also recommend talking to at least two or three firms to gauge if the working relationship will flow well. The success of a consulting project often depends on building a strong relationship between the consultant and the client.


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